Monthly Report
Comprehensive reportage
PSC Aberrations and Regulatory Deviations

Our coverage of regulatory deviations and precedents is an extraordinary collection of case studies that is invaluable to operators. We highlight cases where companies have successfully lobbied with the regulators to interpret rules and inconsistencies.
We also highlight common pitfalls and mistakes by operators that have resulted in enormous waste of time and money.
We provide a monthly set of recommendations for possible course of action to be taken by clients in view of these precedents and deviations. Regulatory deviations and precedents will be highlighted and interpreted on a monthly basis.
- Lessons that can be drawn from changes or modifications in Work Program extensions
- Excusable delays
- Deviation from MWP, FDP and their implications for you
- Court Cases and Arbitration ruling that may have implications for your business
- New interpretation by the government of PSC clauses and their impact on you
- Policies on anvil that will impact the oil and gas sector and your operations
- PNGRB rulings and deviations which have an impact for new and existing entities
- Downstream and midstream policy changes and their implications
- Gas price policy changes and deviations and their impact
E & P players can benefit immensely from our regular insights and our inputs can directly impact a client's decision making process
- Our inputs will help optimize your costs on computation of unfinished work programs and liquidation damages
- Leverage our tailor-made inputs on precedents set
- Documented case histories provide the requisite depth to our inputs and help clients clinch their case before the regulator
- Our inputs on regulatory policies help you plan better for the future
- Keep track of competitors and best practices adopted by them
- Monthly set of recommendation from our team
- Limited analyst support
- Custom Research (optional)
- Access to our complimentary portfolio of products

Manager Content
Aniruddha Sharma
Tel: +91 9810156957
Manager Support
K. Rakhee
Tel: 011-41553860
E-1, First Floor
Gora Street, ShahpurJat
New Dehi - 110049.