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Rs 4000 crore drilling site development: RFQs delayed
Feb 08: 8Project Name: Drilling Site Development
8Project Cost: Rs 4000 crore
8Project Description: Forest clearance for the 89 wells development drilling programme has still not been received. As per the sources, the clearance mechanism will take some more time and the project will be executed in 2020-21. The process of hiring EPC contractors for the attached gathering and infield pipelines will happen later. The project also involves 9 production installations
8Project Event: RFQ for the drilling rig is expected by Q4 2019.
RFQ for hiring EPC contractors for the pipeline and production installations is expected by Q2 2020.
8Expenditure Approval: Q3/2016.
8RFQ Date: Q4/2019
8Release Date: Q1/2020.
8Start Date: Q3/2020
8Completion Date: Q4/2023
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