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Decommissioning to become big business in India-I: Indian agencies are ill equipped to handle the work
Sep 20: Decommissioning of massive offshore oil & gas facilities is a complicated job by any yardstick.
8In India, OISD has recently granted in-principle approvals to only two jobs so far:  the Tapti facilities of the PMT JV and the Reliance FPSO.
8The framework in India is patchy, more than one agency is involved and there is considerable overlap
8The OISD has to job of supervising 600 E&P assets but has inadequate manpower
8The big challenge will come when dozens of ONGC assets have to be decommissioned.
Note: Decommissioning is going to be big business over the long run. Find out who are the key players in the business here.
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