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Page No: 1
Rs 6000 crore ammonia-urea plant: Long lead tender in January, 2018
Sep 20: Ammonia-Urea Brownfield Project      
8Cost - Rs 6000 Crore
8Project Event: The tender for the long lead item is likely to be released in January 2018.
 Click here for more information  
 Ammonia-Urea Energy Saving Project      
8Cost - Rs 350 Crore
8Project Event: The Basic engineering and Detailed engineering have been by KBR and Tecnimont. The purchase of a long lead item is ongoing.
 Click here for more information
  Cooling Tower Annual Maintenance Project    
8Cost - Rs 0.30 Crore
8Project Event: RFQ for Cooling tower Annual Maintenance Contractor has been released and bid due date is 25 October 2018.
 Click here for more information


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