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Own rig deployment for Rs 700 crore oil field development: Oil India changes its mind
Sep 19: 8Project Name: Oil Field Development
8Project Cost: Rs 700 crore
8Project Description: Oil India Limited's RFQs for hiring a drilling rig for 40 well exploratory well drilling programme is expected soon. Earlier it was planned to use the company-owned rig, but now a third-party rig will be hired. The Application for forest clearance is still under process.
Get full details of the drilling programme here
8Project Event: RFQ for the drilling rig is expected by December 2018. RFQs for equipment and oil-field chemicals are expected by January 2019
8Expenditure Approval: Q4/2012
8RFQ Date: Dec/2018
8Release Date: Feb/2019
8Start Date: Apr/2020
8Completion Date: Dec/2022
Click here for more details for key contacts and full project parameters


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