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A Greenfield Hydro Power Project: RFQs for CAT plan consultancy services in Nov, 2018
Sep 17: Project Name: Greenfield Hydroelectric Power Project
8Project Cost: 3125 crores
8Project Description: Promoter is evaluating bids for engagement of a consultant for preparation of the detailed project report in a 400 MW greenfield hydroelectric power project. RFQ for consultancy services for the catchment area treatment plan is getting delayed due to administrative issues. Further bids are expected soon.
8Project Event: RFQ for consultancy services for catchment area treatment (CAT) plan is expected by November 2018, instead of Q3, 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: 2017
8RFQ Date: Nov/2018
8Release Date: Nov/2018
8Start Date: Q2:2020
8Completion Date: Q3:2025
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