Sep 13: Project Name: Brownfield Supercritical Thermal Power Project 8Project Cost: 4086 crores 8Project Description: Owner is evaluating the main plant package bids for an 800 MW super-critical thermal power expansion complex at its existing 1500 MW facility. Three big players are in the race. Also, the consultant is preparing the final EIA report. EC is likely to be elicited in the next 5-6 months. Further bids are expected soon. 8Project Event: RFQ for cooling tower package and twin flue chimney package is expected by the Q4 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q1:2017 8RFQ Date: Q4:2018 8Release Date: Q4:2018 8Start Date: 2020 8Completion Date: 2024 Click here for more information The owner is planning to come out with a breakdown maintenance works in the 1050 MW thermal power station. 8The work tenure is for the period of 90 days. 8A detailed bid document is expected soon. Click on detailsDetails Project Name: Thermal Power Station - AMC contractor 8Project Cost: 2 crores 8Project Description: A JV company has floated a bid for an annual maintenance job contract for a boiler and its auxiliaries and electrical and C&I equipment for a 2000 MW thermal power station. Currently, a tender document is getting prepared for an annual maintenance job of HT/LT transformer bus-ducts and rectiformers in the main plant and offsite area. Further bids are expected soon. 8Project Event: RFQ for an annual maintenance contractor of HT/LT transformer bus-ducts and rectiformers is expected by the end of September 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q1:2018 8RFQ Date: 25/Sep/2018 8Release Date: 28/Sep/2018 8Start Date: Nov/2018 8Completion Date: Nov/2019 Click here for more informationDetails