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Rs 700 crore Offshore Field Development: Jack up rig RFQ soon
Sep 12: 8Project Name: Offshore Field Development
8Project Cost: Rs 700 crore
8Project Description: It is a 3 well development drilling. The project will also involve installation of an offshore process platform and interconnecting pipelines. The total area of the field is around 24.2 The project requirements will be drill bits, blow out preventer, wireline logging services, casing & tubing running services, well testing services, cementing services. Further RFQs are expected soon
8Project Event: RFQs expected by November 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q4/2017
8RFQ Date: Dec/2018
8Release Date: Feb/2019
8Start Date: Feb/2020
8Completion Date: Dec/2022
Click here for more details


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