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Refinery Greenfield Infrastructure Development for a Product Pipeline Project: More details
Sep 11: 8Project Name: Refinery Greenfield Infrastructure Development for a Product Pipeline Project
8Project Cost: Rs 450 crore
8Project Description: The owner is creating infrastructure at its existing refinery as well as an intermediate pumping station for its greenfield pipeline which will have a length of 230 Km, a diameter 18 inches and capacity of 5 MMTPA. A contractor is conducting detailed engineering of the project in May 2018. Piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&ID), plot plan, equipment layout, and process data sheet submitted to the owner for review. The site enabled work is in progress. Further RFQs are expected soon.
8Project Event: RFQ for the Tank construction work (tank work, pad work, dyke work) is expected by October 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q2:2016
8RFQ Date: Oct/2018
8Release Date: Oct/2018
8Start Date: Q2:2018
8Completion Date: Feb/2020
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