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Greenfield bottling plant: Work RFQs ahead
Sep 11: 8Project Name:  Greenfield LPG Bottling plant project
8Project Cost: Rs 160 crore
8Project Description: The owner has appointed a PMC contractor to construct an LPG Bottling Plant with a capacity of 120000 MTPA by installing 3 X 600 MT mounded storage vessel. RFQ for the erection and installation work including mechanical piping & firefighting work has already come out and the bidding process is currently on. Further RFQs are expected soon.
8Project Event: RFQ for the electrical and instrumentation work is expected by December 2018.
RFQ for the carousel work is expected by February 2019.
8Expenditure Approval: Q3:2017
8Start Date: Q1:2018
8Completion Date: Q1:2020
Click here for more details


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