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Rs 500 crore secondary tank farm: More RFQs around the corner
Sep 11: 8Project Name:  Secondary Tank Farm
8Project Cost: Rs 500 crore
8Project Description: The E&P owner along with the EPCM contractor is construction Secondary Tank Farm along with an Effluent Treatment Plant with a 40000 Kilolitre capacity. The Project was approved in July 2011, expected to be completed by March 2017 at an original cost of Rs 352.56 crores but is now anticipated to be completed by March 2019. The project had been earlier delayed on account of land acquisition issues. Till now the foundation work has been completed. Currently, work on Colum, Electrical Sub-station, Control Room is in progress and Effluent Treatment Plant Construction work has also been initiated and is under process. Crude Oil Dispatch Pumps, Pressure Safety Valves & Temperature Safety Valves, ETP- Puddle Pipes have already been procured and are under inspection. Further RFQs for Mainline Pipes, Fire Fighting System are expected soon.
8Project Event: RFQs for equipment are expected by November 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Jul/2011
8RFQ Date: Nov/2018
8Release Date: Dec/2018
8Start Date: Mar/2015
8Completion Date: Mar/2019
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