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A Greenfield Hydro Power Project : RFQs for civil works in Q1, 2019
Sep 11: Project Name: Greenfield Hydroelectric Power Project
8Project Cost: Rs 6210 crores
8Project Description: Promoter is undertaking social impact assessment activities for a 600 MW greenfield hydropower project. DPR was prepared by using in-house resources. The project has been stuck due to the absence of forest clearance. Currently, the owner is undergoing site surveys and preparation of the final inspection report. Further bids are expected soon.
8Project Event: RFQ for civil and hydro-mechanical works expected in Q1, 2019.
8Expenditure Approval: 2012
8RFQ Date: Q1:2019
8Release Date: Q1:2019
8Start Date: 2020
8Completion Date: 2024
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