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Phased 55-well drilling programme: RFQ for drilling rig in December
Sep 06: 8Project Name: Exploratory Drilling Project
8Project Cost: Rs 2800 crore
8Project Description: Owner's RFQs for a drilling rig for a phased 55 well exploratory drilling is expected soon. The wildlife clearance for the project is in final stages and is expected by the end of this year.The drilling of the wells is expected to be up to a target depth of 3000 meters below ground level. Further RFQs are expected shortly.
8Project Event: RFQ for a  drilling rig is expected by the December 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: 2013
8RFQ Date: Dec/2018
8Release Date: Feb/2019
8Start Date: Q3/2019
8Completion Date: Q4/2021
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