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Rs 200 crore oil field in Madhya Pradesh: Work will come up only in 2019
Sep 05: 8Project Name: Oil Field Development
8Project Cost: Rs 200 crore
8Project Description: Owner's RFQs for the development of the oil field in Madhya Pradesh have been delayed as the company plans to start work only after a year. The project is expected to commissioned by the year 2020. Feasibility report preparation for the block is also expected to start by next year. 
8Project Event: RFQs for hiring an EIA Consultant for the project is expected by Q2 2019.
RFQs for hiring integrated drilling services is expected by Q3 2019
8Expenditure Approval: Q2/2018
8RFQ Date: Q2/2019
8Release Date: Q2/2019
8Start Date: Jul/2020
8Completion Date: Jul/2023
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