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Power Projects: Upcoming RFQs
Aug 28: Project Name: Thermal Power Station - Renovation, Modernization, and Up-gradation Project
8Project Cost: 216 crores
8Project Description: Owner is getting delayed for coming up of a bid for renovation and modernization in a 350 MW thermal power station due to a delay in state government approval for financial assistance. Further bids are expected soon.
8Project Event: RFQ for R&M for 2x125 MW units is expected by November 2018, instead of Q2 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Oct/2018
8RFQ Date: Nov/2018
8Release Date: Nov/2018
8Start Date: Q2:2019
8Completion Date: Q1:2021
Click here for more information

8Project Name:  Thermal Power Station Maintenance Project
8Project Cost: 1.25 crores
8Project Description: Promoter has planned a 28-day mini overhaul in the 3000 MW Thermal Power Plant. The major scope of work includes inspection and round the clock maintenance of the boiler pressure parts. The equipment required will be furnace arch tubes, short radius bends, among others.
8Project Event: RFQ for short lead equipment in the preventive maintenance is expected by the mid-September 2018.
Click here for more information
8Annual overhaul works are coming in a 440 MW thermal power station: RFQs in September 2018.
Click on details


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