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Propylene Derivatives Petrochemical complex: Further RFQs likely from Air Liquide and Tuaman Engineering
Aug 27: BPCL alogn with PMC contractor EIL hired Air Liquide Global E&C Solutions to carry out engineering activities to install a Propylene Derivatives Petrochemical complex.
8Tuaman Engineering Limited has got the contract for the civil and structural work
8Some RFQs are still left to awarded
8Know more about them
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8Switchyard equipment required in a major refinery: RFQs are ahead
The owner is planning to procure 132 KV switchyard electrical equipment. The major equipment required are SF6 circuit breakers, Isolator, Battery banks, ACSR conductors, Eathing system, Transformer and transmission wire. RFQ for the listed equipment is expected by Q1, 2019.
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