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Ultra shallow water offshore drilling: Jackup rig RFQ in Q-1, 2019
Aug 24: 8Project Name: Offshore Drilling
8Project Cost: Rs 600 crore
8Project Description: The owner is planning an offshore exploratory drilling of 6 wells. The approved PML area is around 100 sq km having an established reserve base of about 1.5 MMt. An Ultra shallow jack up rig is proposed to be deployed to undertake drilling in the block. The project is expected to executed along with the another 6 well exploratory project which has to be executed in the same block. The requirements for the project will be drilling rig, cementing services, offshore vessel services and drilling fluid services.
8Project Event: RFQ for hiring an Ultra shallow jack up rig is expected by Q1 2019
8Expenditure Approval: Q4/2018
8RFQ Date: Q1/2019
8Release Date: Q1/2019
8Start Date: Q1/2020
8Completion Date: Q4/2022
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