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Software updates: Fertilizer projects
Aug 23: Ammonia-Urea Energy Saving Project      
8Cost - Rs 262 Crore
8Project Event: A Rupee term loan of Rs. 1044 Cr sanctioned for the Energy Saving Project by SBI at the most competitive rates. The project has signed up all the agreements for the long lead item with Siemens and purchase for other equipment and services is curently ongoing.
 Click here for more information  
 Urea Revamp Project     
8Cost - Rs 137 Crore
8Project Description: A Fertilizer Company is planning to enhance the capacity of its urea unit from 1000 MTPD to 1290 MTPD at its existing fertilizer complex in India. Casale carried out a feasibility study to determine the interventions required to attain the requested plant improvements and based on that it was awarded the license and basic engineering services for the plant revamping. Projects & Development India Limited has been engaged by Owner as Consultant for this Project.
8Project Event: The equipment and other services purchase are ongoing and NIT for Composite Contract for Mechanical Insulation Electrical and Instrumentation Work has been released and bid closing date is 31 August 2018.
 Click here for more information


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