Dharmendara Pradhan-II: Should he sharpen his numbers, put more independent feedback loops in place for PMUY?
Aug 23:
Dharmendra Pradhan can always proffer an argument that his job was to deliver the cylinder to the poor household, which he did, and it is up to North and South Block to ensure that the household had enough income to refill the cylinder. 8But there is a lot of finetuning in the scheme which he can still do. 8Last mile delivery issues, including a faulty ordering system, are a big problem and given the infrastructure and clout available with oil companies this gap can be plugged on an immediate basis before the 2019 elections. 8Execution is Pradhan's forte, and the last mile issues are just execution snags. They are solvable but he needs to move quickly on them. 8The minister also needs to sharpen his presentations to both the finance minister and the Prime Minister on the finetuning needed, to push the refill rate up. 8He needs to put his numbers together in a different sort of way before his leadership than he has done so far. 8Also, he needs more independent feedback loops and measurement matrices than are being provided to him by oil marketing companies. Click on Reports to know more on what Pradhan can do more.