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ONGC's Rs 240 crore slug catcher modification at Uran: RFQs are coming up ahead
Aug 13: 8Project Name: Slug Catcher Unit Modification
8Project Cost: Rs 240 crore.
8Project Description: ONGC along with its EPCM contractor Engineers India (EIL) is planning the replacement and augmentation of slug catchers at its Uran Gas Processing Plant. At present, ONGC has 2 slug catchers -- dubbed Phase-I and Phase-II -- with a gas processing capacity of 8 MMSCMD and 5.2 MMSCMD respectively. ONGC plans to increase the overall handling capacity of existing NACE Phase III slug catcher by adding additional fingers to handle a total of 6.0 MMSCMD of gas and 2500 m3/day of condensate. Furthermore, after this ONGC plans to replace the Phase - II slug catcher with a new NACE compliant slug catcher of 6.5 MMSCMD of gas and 4500 m3/day condensate capacity.
8Project Event New: RFQs are coming up ahead
8Expenditure Approval: Q1/2018
8RFQ Date: Dec/2018.
8Release Date: Q1/2019
8Date: Q2/2019
8Completion Date: Q2/2020
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