Rs 3500 crore for offshore oil field development: RFQs from December
Jul 23: 8Project Name: Offshore Field Development 8Project Cost: Rs 3500 crore. 8Project Description New:Owner's RFQs for the hiring of an EPC contractor is expected to be delayed slightly. Originally the production from the block was expected to start by Q3 2022, but a slight delay will be there. An overall quantity of 3 MMSCMD of gas is expected to be produced from the project. 8Project Event New: RFQ for hiring EPC contractor and MOPU by December 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Apr/2018 8RFQ Date: Dec/2018. 8Release Date: Q1/2019 8Date: Q4/2019 8Completion Date: Mar/2023 Click here for more details, including project configuration, key contacts and a whole lot of other information