Jul 06: Phosphoric Acid & Sulphuric Acid Greenfield Project 8Cost - Rs 1800 Crore 8Project Event: RFQ for a process licensor was released in February 2018, finalization is due in August in place of July 2018. due to delay in the evaluation. Tender for EPC contractor is likely to be released in September 2018. Click here for more information Single/Triple Super Phosphate Greenfield Project 8Cost - Rs 30 Crore 8Project Event: The proposal for environmental clearance was submitted in June 2018, and selection process for an EPC contractor is ongoing and it is likely to be finalized in September 2018. Click here for more information Phosphoric Acid Greenfield Project 8Cost - Rs 10 Crore 8Project Event: The proposal for the environmental clearance was submitted in June 2018, Public hearing was completed and proposal for the environmental clearance is likely to be elicited in September 2018. after that the company will also apply to Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) for CTE, which is likely to be submitted in December 2018. They are looking for a local EPC contractor, communication with different EPC contractor is ongoing. Click here for more information