Jul 04: 8Project Name: Greenfield Product Pipeline Project 8Project Cost: Rs 700 crore 8Project Description: Owner along with the PMC contractor is continuing construction of the pipleine. 8Project Event: RFQ for the horizontal directional drilling two segments is expected by September 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q2:2016 8RFQ Date: Sep/2018 8Release Date: Oct/2018 8Start Date: Q2:2017 8Completion Date: Q4:2020 Click here for more details 8Project Name: Greenfield POL Terminal Project 8Project Cost: Rs 700 crore 8Project Description: The owner is planning to install a new greenfield Petroleum, Oil, Lubricants (POL) terminal with a capacity of 1.5 MMTPA. Major equipment required are: Boil-off gas compressor, Gas engine generator, Pumps, Compressors, Line pipe, Loading/unloading arms, Loading racks, Couplers, Strainers, Hoses, Meters, Blending equipment, Emergency shut down valve, Grounding protection, Plates, Vapor recovery system, Heating coils, mixers, Gangways, Cranes, Derricks, Davits, gantry equipments, Hoists, Foam generators, Foam monitors, PLC, SCADA, HC detectors, Level gauges. 8Project Event: RFQ for the PFR consultant is expected by August 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q2:2018 8RFQ Date: Aug/2018 8Release Date: Sep/2018 8Start Date: Q1:2019 8Completion Date: Q3:2021 Click here for more details 8Greenfield LPG Plant coming up 8The owner is planning to install a greenfield LPG plant with a capacity of 180 TMTPA. Total cost for this project is estimated at about Rs 250 crore. Commissioning is anticipated in late Q2,2020. Click on Details for key contacts