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Rs 1400 crore CBM Field Development: RFQs coming up
Jun 28: 8Project Name: CBM Field Development
8Project Cost: Rs 1400 crore
8Project Description: The Promoter is planning pilot assessment of CBM production in a CBM Block. The program plans to undertake drilling of 35 pilot wells and 150 nos of Four Support wells from pad of each pilot well in the CBM block area. The project also involves the construction of 07 nos of Gas Gathering Station (GGS), Two Main Compressor Station and laying down of Interconnecting and Transportation Pipeline (6”-16” dia). The Targeted depths of the wells shall be up to 2000m. The Block is estimated to hold CBM reserves of 17 Bcm (600 Bcf). Promoter owned drilling rigs are going to be deployed for undertaking drilling activities. The equipment required for the project includes Casing Pipes, Drilling Pipes, Drill Bits, X-mass trees, Blow Out Preventer, Hydro Fracturing services, CBM Well completion and Artificial Lifting services. Further RFQs are expected shortly.
8Project Event: RFQ for the hiring of equipment and services is expected by Q1:2019.
 RFQ for the hiring of an EPC Contractor for the construction of GGS and Pipeline Installations are expected by Q1:2019. 
8Expenditure Approval: Q1/2018
8RFQ Date: Q1/2019
8Release Date: Q1/2019
8Start Date: Jan/2021
8Completion Date: Dec/2023
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