Rs 650 crore Greenfield oil field development: RFQ for the equipment and oilfield chemicals are expected by Q3/2018.
Jun 21: 8Project Name: Oil Field Development 8Project Cost: Rs 650 crore 8Project Description: The Promoter is planning development drilling of 29 wells in an onshore Block. Promoter owned electrical type rigs are proposed to be deployed for undertaking drilling activities. The application for obtaining environment clearance for the project has been recently applied after making amendment in some drilling locations. The equipment required for the project will be casing pipes, drilling pipes, drill bits, Blow out Preventer (BOP), cementing services, drilling fluid services and other oilfield chemicals. Further RFQs are expected shortly. 8Project Event: RFQ for the equipment and oilfield chemicals are expected by Q3/2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q1/2015 8RFQ Date: Q3/2018 8Release Date: Q3/2018 8Start Date: April/2019 8Completion Date: Dec/2021 Click here for more details