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Rs 100 crore GGS Development: EPC contractor RFQ in September now
Jun 11: 8Project Name: GGS Development
8Project Cost: Rs 100 crore.
8Project Description New: The owner's proposed RFQ for the development of a Group Gathering Station has been delayed on account of a hold up in final clearance from the corporate office. The project involves the construction of a Group Gathering Station which includes an integrated production installation comprising one number of Oil Collecting station (OCS) and one number of Gas Compressor Station (GCS). The process of hiring an EPC contractor is expected to begin soon.
8Project Event New: RFQs for hiring EPC contractor for the project is expected by September instead of July 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q4/2017
8RFQ Date: Sep/2018.
8Release Date: Nov/2018.
8Date: Apr/2019
8Completion Date: Apr/2021
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