Rs 1000 crore greenfield project pipeline: RFQ for PMC in August, 2018
Jun 11: 8Project Name: Greenfield Product Pipeline Project 8Project Cost: Rs 1000 crore 8Project Description: The owner is planning to lay a petroleum product pipeline with a designed capacity of 5 MMTPA. The length of the pipeline will be 500 km with a diameter of 18 inches. The proposed pipeline would transport MS, HSD, SKO, and ATF. At present surveying work is going on. 8Project Event: RFQ for the PMC contractor is expected by August 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q4:2016 8RFQ Date: Aug/2018 8Release Date: Sep/2018 8Start Date: Q1:2019 8Completion Date: Q4:2021 Click here for more details for key contacts and other information