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Rs 400 crore Extended reach drilling: RFQ in Q4, 2018
Jun 08: 8Project Name: Oil Field Development
8Project Cost: Rs 400 crore.
8Project Description New: The owner's RFQ for the hiring of the drilling rig for exploratory drilling has been delayed on account of wildlife clearance. The project involves both Offshore and Onshore oil and gas exploration using Extended Reach Drilling Technology (ERD Wells). The Drilling will be done at 07 locations and target depth will be of 3750m each.
8Project Event New: RFQs for hiring drilling services is expected by Q4 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q3/2017
8RFQ Date: Q4/2018.
8Release Date: Q4/2018.
8Date: Apr/2019
8Completion Date: Apr/2021
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