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Rs 2700 crore ammonia unit coming up
Jun 01: A Fertilizer Company is planning to set up a new unit of Ammonia with a capacity of 1500 MTPD in India.
8The projected investment cost is around Rs 2773 crore.
8The normal and peak power requirement for the plant is 12 MW and 14MW respectively, which will be sourced from a proposed captive power plant (proposed installed capacity of 16 MW) which will use steam turbine generator (STG).
8Gas Turbine generator or Gas Engines will also be installed. This will be used during start-up of the plant or during maintenance of STG.
8The entire complex shall consist of the following units:
 Ammonia Plant, Offsites & Utilities, Power receiving switch yard and sub-station, Steam Turbine Generator/GTG/Gas Engine, DG set, Complete firefighting system, Fire and smoke / gas detectors, Intake pipeline for water, Water treatment plant, Water reservoir, DM Water plant, DM Water tank, Condensate tank, Process water tank, Cooling Tower including pumps, motors / turbine and dosing system, Boilers and stack, Instrument air compressors, receivers and dryer, Inert gas generation unit, Effluent treatment plant including RO unit, Storage tanks including pumps for, Caustic soda, Sulphuric acid, Diesel, Weighbridge, Flare stack, Buildings to house, Control system & Electrical switchgear, Plant offices, Administrative offices & canteen, Workshop, Engineering & chemical stores, Security, Medical Centre, Restrooms, Pipe racks & cable racks.
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