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Early Production System: EPC contractor EPS in September
May 31: 8Project Name: Early Production System
8Project Cost: Rs 250 crore.
8Project Description New: ONGC has changed its plans for building an Early Production System (EPS) that will be connected with 6 wells in an oil field. The proposed facilities in this project are HP Separator Skid, CO2, and Moisture Removal Skid, Dew Point Depression Skid, N2 Based Skid, Produced Water Storage and Bay Facilities and Other Utilities and Offsites. The equipment requirement will be Gas Turbine, Air Compressor, Storage tanks, Well Head, Water Injection Well, Flare Stack, Gas pipeline.
8Project Event New: RFQs for hiring EPC contractor for EPS is expected by September instead of June 2018. RFQs for hiring EPC contractor for the pipeline is expected by September instead of 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q2/2016
8RFQ Date: Sep/2018.
8Release Date: Nov/2018.
8Date: Q4/2018
8Completion Date: Q4/2019
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