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Coal power promoters want to turn to gas - opportunities for gas suppliers
May 29: As LNG prices soar, is this really the end of the road for gas based projects?
While existing gas based units feel the pinch, there are new players contemplating getting in. Here are a few examples:
8A power generation company has dropped plans for installation of an imported coal-based 1320 MW (2x660 MW) project with super-critical technology but the owner could not proceed further due to curtailment of coal export by some countries and also due to the high tariff of power to be generated. In the meanwhile, the promoter is seeking to change the project configuration from a coal-based 2x660 MW super-critical thermal plant to a 1050 MW gas based combined cycle plant at the same location due to the availability of Regassified Liquefied Natural Gas (RLNG). Find out more about what he has in mind, including the gas supplier he is talking to
8Then again, another power company has decided to permanently shut down its aging coal-based power plants and set up two 660 MW supercritical units instead but this plan too had to be dropped due to pollution issues. The owner is now exploring the possibility of a gas-based power station instead. Discussions are going on for the supply of gas with a supplier. Know more about both the power project owner and the gas supplier, and if you are a gas supplier find out whether you can also speak to the owner.
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