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May 28: 8In some parts of the US, the gas price can go to zero. Find out why? Click on Report  for more.
8Given the likely decline in GRM, increase in capex over the next five years, rise in interest costs and concerns over product pricing freedom, HPCL's upside in earnings may get capped. Click on Report  for more.
8Post the commissioning of the Kochi-Mangalore-Bangalore pipeline, the Kochi LNG terminal the utilization levels could go up by 35-40% from the current 9%. Click on Report  for more.
8Get an insurance technical review of upstream oil & gas cyber risk. Click on Report  for more.
8A global map shows that there are no floating regasification projects coming up in India as of now. But there are projects in Pakistan and Bangladesh however. Click on Report  for more.
8When is the next US recession coming? Click on Report  for more.
8Subsequent to a blacklisting by its largest customer and trouble over insider trading, Deep Industries is now restructuring to adjust to changed realities. Click on Report  for more.
8Get a break-up of how much new LNG projects are going to cost in Canada. What is the FOB price going to be? Will Canadian LNG make a mark in the global stage? Click on Report  for more.
8Get the latest buy-sell data on crude and product tankers globally. Click on Report  for more.
8CNG prices are at 39-45% discount to diesel and petrol respectively in Delhi. That is a big margin by any yardstick. How is IGL gaining out of this differential? Click on Report  for more.


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