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Rs 350 crore Maintenance Dredging & Spoil Disposal Project: Rig mobilization services will be needed
May 28: 8Project Name: Maintenance Dredging & Spoil Disposal Project  
8Project Cost: Rs 350 crore
8Project Description: The promoter's RFQs for hiring an EPC contractor for Maintenance Dredging and Spoil Disposal are out for (Offshore) wellhead platform. The proposed project involves the Dredging of 1.8 Million Cubic Meter in specific locations and disposal of dredged spoil in the offshore areas of deeper contour (30-33m). The TOR for the project was not granted in last EC meeting and is expected by June. An EIA Consultant has already been hired for the project. For rig mobilization service,s the RFQs will be out once the EPC contractor for dredging services is finalized.
8Project Event: RFQs for Rig Mobilization services (Rig-down, Relocation & Rig-up) is expected by September instead of July 2018.  
8Expenditure Approval: Q4/2017
8RFQ Date: Sep/2018
8Release Date: Oct/2018
8Start Date: May/2019
8Completion Date: May/2020
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