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Refinery Greenfield Petrochemical Complex: RFQs for the equipment is expected by July 2018
May 23: 8Project Name: Refinery Greenfield Petrochemical Complex
8Project Cost: Rs 20000 Crore
8Project Description: The owner has appointed an EPC contractor and a licensor to to construct a naphtha cracker and a petrochemical complex. RFQ for the LSTK contractor is already out.
8Project Event: RFQ for the equipment is expected by July 2018.
8Expenditure Approval : Q1:2017
8RFQ Date : Jul/2018
8Release Date: Sep/2018
8Start Date : Q3:2018
8Completion Date : Q3:2022
Click here for more details.

8Business Opportunity For Maintenance Contractor
8The owner is planning to float a short term contract for mechanical maintenance job at its units and utilities at its refinery for a period of one year.
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