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May 22: 8India will not be able to reach its renewable energy targets by 2022, and, in fact, would reach less than half the 175 GW target by that date. Specifically, the 175 GW target is likely to be achieved during 2029-30 under the business as usual scenario, a bit earlier, in 2027-28 under the optimistic scenario, and a lot later, in 2032-33 in the pessimistic scenario. Click on Report  for more.
8An independent analysis seems to show that if capacity and output from renewables were to continue to rise in the coming years, it will have a "cannibalization effect" on wholesale power prices, which would drop to the extent, that if unchecked, it could jeopardize investment in new renewables capacity. Click on Report  for more.
8There is a global race to develop a new process technology to replace Haber-Bosch process in ammonia production. There has been recent progress which goes beyond incremental process technology improvements in ammonia production to yield disruptive, and even breakthrough, advancements. Examples of such advances are carried here.  Those who adopt these new competitive processes may eventually be able to establish cost differentials large enough to threaten those which use older technologies. Click on Report  for more. 

8The website carries here a projection of offshore mobile units long-term contracting prospects from 2018 to 2024, A sharp increase is projected after a slow start. As of now vessel oversupply remains as laid up vessels are reactivated due to higher oil price. The outlook is more positive for production units and special construction units. Click on Report  for more.

8RIL has completed in a record 18 months the construction of a 20,000 tonne ST 6-Control and Riser Platform for its KG Basin operations. Find out what kind of water depth it will operate in and what it took to construct the platform in such a short period of time. Are there business opportunities for marine support for this platform? Click on Report  for more.
8ADNOC's agreement with ISPRL stipulates that during an emergency oil shortage situation the Indian government can use the entire available crude oil stored by ADNOC in the Mangalore SPR facility for its use. Further, as an incentive for storing crude oil at its own cost, the Agreement allows ADNOC to sell part of the crude oil to Indian refineries during normal times. Click on Report  for more.
8The merger between MRPL and OMPL is at an ongoing stage. MRPL plans to develop its petrochemicals slate through the merged entity. Also, reports suggest the possibility of ONGC merging its subsidiaries MRPL and HPCL. However, clarity on the same from the government is awaited. Find out more click on Report.
8New sanctions on Iran and Russia won’t derail the container market recovery but would suppress potential growth. Click on Report  for more.
8One of the world's largest Floating Production Storage Offloading (“FPSO”) players in the world is bullish of this market going ahead. Find out more click on Report.


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