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Rs 200 crore exploratory drilling project: RFQs for equipment are expected by July instead of May end 2018
May 21: 8Project Name: Exploratory Drilling Project
8Project Cost: Rs 200 crore
8Project Description: RFQs for equipment for 3 well onland exploratory drilling project have been slightly delayed. Hydrofracturing services for the block has already been awarded. The block was awarded to a JV and it currently involves the construction of an EPS and the laying of an Intra-field pipeline network. Currently, the environmental clearance for the project is awaited. The EPS contract has already been awarded. For the Liner Hanger assembly part, six companies have been shortlisted. Requirements are coming up for Xmas Trees, Manifolds, DG Sets, Casing Pipes, Compressor, HSD.
8Project Event: RFQs for equipment are expected by July instead of May end 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q1/2018
8RFQ Date: Jul/2018
8Release Date: Sep/2018
8Start Date: Q4/2018
8Completion Date: Q4/2019
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