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Rs 600 crore exploratory drilling: RFQs will start from June
May 18: 8Project Name: Exploratory Drilling.
8Project Cost: Rs 600 crore
8Project Description: Owners RFQs for equipment 10 onland exploratory wells drilling programme is expected soon. The conductor, casing and the liner pipe sizes will be 20'', (13.375'', 9.625'', 7'') and 5'' inch respectively. Civil works on the site would involve Earthwork, Surface Drainage, Fuel, and Chemical Storage Area, Disposal System, Storage and Disposal Pits. The mechanical equipment required would be Pump Skid, Degasser Skid, Hopper Skid, HSD Transfer Skid, Diesel Gensets, Super Charger Skid, Wellhead and Christmas Tree.
8Project Event: RFQs for equipment is expected by August instead of June 2018.
RFQs for civil works are expected by August 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q3/2015
8RFQ Date: Aug/2018
8Release Date: Sep/2018

8Start Date: Q4/2018
8Completion Date: Q4/2021
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