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DSF promoter runs into "financial issues": Plans IPO in 2019
May 14: 8Project Name: Oil Field Development
8Project Cost: Rs 200 crore
8Project Description: The owner's RFQs for development of the DSF Round I block have been delayed on account of "financial issues". The company, with a 100% PI in the block, plans to raise capital through an IPO in 2019.The field development plan for the block has been approved recently. The production from the block is expected to start by Q2 2020. The project also involves installation of an infield pipeline to connect with the nearest production facility. Further RFQs are expected shortly.
8Project Event: RFQs for hiring consultancy services is expected by Q4 2018
RFQs for rigs services are expected by December 2018 instead of June 2018.
RFQs for hiring EPC contractor for pipeline installation is expected by December 2018 instead of June 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q4/2017
8RFQ Date: Q4/2018
8Release Date: Q1/2019
8Start Date: Q3/2019
8Completion Date: Jun/2022
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