DSF Round: This is a good time for promoters to kick off
May 10:
India has to begin planning for crude oil prices to remain higher than $70/bbl through the remainder of 2018. 8Geopolitical issues -- such a further deterioration of US-Iran relationship subsequent to the reimposition of sanctions -- can cause price spikes beyond this point as well 8Prices are however going to be lower in 2019, at an estimated $65/bbl as high prices will cause non-OPEC production, particularly from the US, to go up 8So for an enterprising E&P operator, such as the one who won a block under the DSF Round, these are better times than when he won the block 8Getting discovered fields to production is easier than looking for oil under OLAP. 8So advise to them is to find the Rs 100 crore or so needed to get the FDPs going as soon as possible 8There is money to be made. 8But it is also important to ensure that you do not get carried away. 8All sensitivity analysis should allow for a positive return at $40/bbl or even less. This is tough industry to be in, and you never know what is there around the next corner. Click on Reports for more