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May 07: 8Near term growth is on an upcycle, but beyond 2019 as global growth tapers, the strength of the domestic recovery will come under test. Click on Report  for more.
8The website carries here a full update of the oil & gas sector, including production, imports, consumption, pricing and taxation in 2017-18. Click on Report  for more.
8Great Eastern Shipping has posted a loss in 2017-18, taking a deferred tax liability as also a big impairment charge on its offshore E&P fleet. But the future stays bright. Click on Report  for more.
8Will the Gujarat PNG subsidy scheme provide the must needed boost to the CGD industry if other states adopt the scheme? Click on Report  for more.
8Get all the news, analyses and update on Vendata, now that its results are out. Click on Report for more.
8A global leader in biological wastewater & gas treatment has set up a manufacturing unit in India. Find out more on what it is offering click on Report.
8Is Bangladesh doing better than India in the power sector. What are its future plans in this segment. A range of Indian companies is eying the sector, including LNG suppliers willing to set up facilities in Bangladesh but also use Indian bases to supply to the country. Click on Report  for more.
8The base oil and additives industry seems to be facing headwinds again. Volume growth remains a concern from now on. Find out more click on Report.


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