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Rs 400 crore oil field development: RFQ for equipment and oilfield chemicals by Q3, 2018
May 07: 8Project Name: Oil Field Development
8Project Cost: Rs 400 crore
8Project Description: The owner is is planning to drill 05onland  exploratory wells. These wells have been finalized after detailed in-house interpretation of 3D-seismic data, inputs from nearby wells and other G&G data using latest interpretation software as a part of the ongoing exploration programme to accrete more hydrocarbon reserves. The targeted depth of the wells shall be up to 4900m. ONGC owned electrical type rigs are proposed to be deployed for undertaking drilling in the block. The equipment required for the project will be Drill Pipes, Casing Pipes, Xmas Trees, Blow Out Preventer, Cementing services and Drilling fluid services. An EIA consultant has already been hired for the project. Further RFQs are expected shortly.
8Project Event: RFQ for the hiring of equipment and oilfield chemicals is expected by Q3/2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q2/2016
8RFQ Date: Q3/2018
8Release Date: Q3/2018
8Start Date: Dec/2019
8Completion Date: Dec/2021
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