May 04:
Future mobility will be cheap, door to door, personalised and ‘on demand’. 8The boundaries between private, shared, and public transport will be blurred, possibly eliminated, and recast. 8Transport options will be multi-modal, connected, autonomous and electric with service providers delivering the entire travel experience. While some people will still have private vehicles, the majority could well opt for the far more economic option of a combination of shared and public transport. 8But another scenario can emerge where in the absence of considered policy direction, future mobility may also exacerbate existing social and environmental impacts. 8Without widespread adoption of shared mobility, a transport system dominated by private autonomous travel could increase journeys and vehicles on the road. Lower costs and increased flexibility may result in increased demand and willingness to travel longer distances. Private AVs could replace public transport routes, increasing mobility inequality for those unable to afford such a vehicle. 8Some commentators see the ensuing disruption as destroying trillions of dollars of investor value across the transportation and energy industries, but also creating trillions of dollars in new business opportunities, consumer surplus and GDP growth. 8Business needs to critically evaluate how these opportunities are relevant. Click on Reports for more