Pipeline expansion: Mainline pipe RFQs by May, trenching and laying work RFQs by August
May 04: 8Project Name: Pipeline Expansion Project 8Project Cost: Rs 400 crore 8Project Description: The owner has selected an EPCM contractor to expand its product pipeline. They are also planning to install a new pumping station which will be constructed with separate booster pumps for POL & LPG along with mainline pumps. There will also be a new intermediate pumping station which will be constructed along with a separate mainline pump for the expansion. 8Project Event: RFQ for main-line pipes is expected by last week of May 2018. RFQ for the trenching and laying work is expected by August 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q2/2016 8RFQ Date: May/2018 8Release Date: Jun/2018 8Start Date: Q1/2017 8Completion Date: Apr/2019 Click here for more details for key contacts, spatial maps, and pipeline configurations