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Business opportunities coming ahead in the power sector
May 03: 8Project Name: Greenfield Hydroelectric Project
8Project Cost: 2500 crores
8Project Description: Promoter is planning a 210 MW greenfield hydroelectric plant. Owner will come out with a bid for pre-construction activities (diamond core drilling and exploratory drifting works) subsequently. Moreover, package wise bids are expected in the project.
8Project Event: RFQs for pre-construction activities (drilling and drifting works) are expected in June 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q1:2018
8RFQ Date: Jun/2018
8Release Date: Jun/2018
8Start Date: 2020
8Completion Date: 2025
Click here for more information
8Project Name: Thermal Power Station - FGD Addition
8Project Cost: 400 crores
8Project Description: Owner is carrying out the field assessment for installation of an FGD in a 1500 MW thermal power station in order to comply with environmental norms and conditions. RFQ for supply and installation of FGD is expected shortly.
8Project Event: RFQ for supply of an FGD is expected to be out in the Q3 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q2:2017
8RFQ Date: Q3:2018
8Release Date: Q3:2018
8Start Date: Q2:2019
8Completion Date: Q4:2021
Click here for more information
8Project Name: Office buildings and township package in a Thermal Power Plant
8Project Cost: 300 crores
8Project Description: Owner is is expected to come out with bids for civil works involving the office buildings and township package. NIT documents are under preparation.
8Project Event: RFQs of civil works for office building and township package are expected to come out by the first week of May 2018, instead of end of April 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q1:2018
8RFQ Date: 4/May/2018
8Release Date: 7/May/2018
8Start Date: Q3:2018
8Completion Date: Q1:2019
Click here for more information


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