185 crore crore oilfield contract: RFQ in July, 2018
Apr 30: 8Project Name: Oil Field Development 8Project Cost: Rs 185 crore. 8Project Description: RFQs for hiring a PMC contractor for an oil field is expected to be out soon. A PFR cum EIA consultant has already been hired for the project. Currently, the pre-feasibility report for the project is under preparation. The block was awarded to the company under the Discovered Small Fields round 2016. The Field Development plan for the project has already been submitted to DGH. The project is expected to start by July 2019. 8Project Event: RFQs for hiring a PMC contractor is expected by July 2018. RFQs for hiring drilling rigs and other oilfield services is expected by November 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q2/2018. 8RFQ Date: Jul/2018. 8Release Date: Aug/2018. 8Date: Jul/2019. 8Completion Date: Q4/2021. Click here for more full details, including key contacts