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Will CNG imports compete with LNG? 0.5 MMTPA equivalent of LNG to be imported
Apr 27: Here is more news on the innovative large scale import of CNG to India from Iran
8The initial plans are to import 240 MMscf of gas per day and then go up to over 650 MMscf of gas per day in the future
8This is equivalent to 5.0 mtpa of LNG
8Custom made ships are going to be used to bridge this distance
8CNG imports are going to be cheaper than LNG
8Negotiations for an offtake agreeement is on the verge of being finalized, and it is likely to be announced by June, 2018.
8Site selection too on the West Coast of India will be announced by then
8If this site works, the ambition is set up similar sites elsewhere.
8Clearly, business development opportunities will arise as well.
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