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Rs 6000 crore greenfield crude oil pipeline project: RFQ for hiring of PFR consultant is expected by Q4/2018
Apr 27: 8Project Name: Greenfield Crude Oil Pipeline Project
8Project Cost: Rs 6000 crore
8Project Description: The Promoter has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to install a crude oil pipeline of 30-inch diameter with a capacity of 8 MMTPA. The approximate length of the pipeline will be 1600 Km. The pipeline however is going through a tough approval process in the government and is subject to approval
Major equipments are: Mainline pipes, Welding machines, Dozers, Scrappers, Pavers, Pumps, Generators, Compressors, Jack Hammers, Pile drivers, Buried Pipelines, Isolation Valves (Manually, Remotely, Automatically Operated), Relief Valves (Thermal or other types), Pipe bridges or other supports, Control Systems, Leak Detection System, Pig launcher and receivers, Motors, Transformers, Bulldozers, Cranes, Control valves and Filters.
8Project Event: RFQ for hiring of PFR consultant is expected by Q4/2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q2/2017
8RFQ Date: Q4/2018
8Release Date: Q4/2018
8Start Date: Q1/2019
8Completion Date: Q4/2021
Click here for more details for geospatial mapping of the pipeline, key contacts and other project details


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