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Software Updates : Power Projects
Apr 27: 8Project Name: Thermal Power Plant - Installation of FGD
8Project Cost: 500 crores
8Project Description: Owner's plans to install a flue gas desulphurisation unit (FGD) in the 600 MW plant of its 1800 MW thermal power station is getting delayed. The consultant has prepared the draft feasibility report and it is currently under submission to the state government for approval. 
8Project Event: RFQ for supply of a FGD Unit is expected by June 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q2:2017
8RFQ Date: Jun/2018
8Release Date: Jun/2018
8Start Date: Q1:2019
8Completion Date: Q4:2020
Click here for more information
8Project Name: Thermal Power Plant - O&M contract
8Project Cost: 5 crores
8Project Description: Promoter is expected to come out with an annual contract bid for O&M of the ash handling plant in a 1600 MW thermal power plant.
8Project Event: RFQs for an annual contract (O&M) of the ash handling plant are expected by Q1 2019.
8Expenditure Approval: Q1:2018
8RFQ Date: Q1:2019 
8Release Date: Q1:2019
8Start Date: Q3:2019
8Completion Date: Q3:2021
Click here for more information
8Project Name: Thermal Power Station Maintenance Project (Unit-2)
8Project Cost: 15 crores
8Project Description: Owner has planned a 25-day annual scheduled overhaul of boiler in 1200 MW thermal power station. The mandatory work includes cleaning and replacement of spare parts of wind box in the burner area, check of buckstay links, support drums, replacement of coal nozzle with tip, replacement of air seal, refurbishment of pressure parts of boiler, repairing job in air pre-heater inlet, among others.
8Project Event: RFQs for required equipment are expected by mid of May 2018.
Click here for more information
Procurement of pumps in a thermal power station: RFQs coming ahead
8A state government generating company is expected to come out with a bid for procurement of hydraulic pumps in a thermal power station.
Click on details for more information including the key contact details


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