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Rs 500 crore desalination plant: RFQ delayed; RFQ in Q3 for 400 crore drilling programme
Apr 23: 8Project Name: Desalination Plant.
8Project Cost: Rs 500 crore.
8Project Description: The owner's RFQ for the construction of a Sea Water Reverse Osmosis Desalination Project has been delayed.
8Expenditure Approval: Q1/2016.
8RFQ Date: June/2018.
8Release Date: Aug/2018.
8Date: Q4/2018.
8Completion Date: Q4/2019.
Click here for more details for more, including key contacts

Rs 400 crore exploratory drilling programme: RFQs for equipment in Q3 2018

8Project Name: Exploratory Drilling
8Project Cost: Rs 400 crore
8Project Description: Onwer is planning the exploratory drilling of 35 wells across a swathe of PMLs. The owner will deploy its own rigs for the project. The drilling for the project is expected to start by Decmeber 2018. RFQs for the following equipment are expected shortly Casing Pipes, Cementing Unit, Mobile Effluent Treatment Plant, Casing-Head, Pressure Gauge, Valves and Well Chemicals.
8Project Event: RFQs for the equipment are expected by Q3 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q2/2018
8RFQ Date: Q3/2018
8Release Date: Q3/2018
8Start Date: Q4/2018
8Completion Date: Q4/2021
Click here for more information


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