Phase roll out of Rs 8000 crore development drilling programme: RFQ dates in June now
Apr 17: 8Project Name: Oil Field Development 8Project Cost: Rs 8000 crore 8Project Description: Promoter has planned development drilling of oil wells. The project is expected to be rolled out in several phases, with first phase involving development drilling of 70 wells. Requirements for the project are:- drill pipes, drill casings, diesel gensets, drilling fluid, chemical additives, rigs. 8Project Event: RFQs for hiring drilling rig and wireline services is expected by June 2018. RFQs for the mechanical equipment are expected by end of June 2018 instead of March 2018 as was project earlier. 8Expenditure Approval: Q3/2016 8RFQ Date: Jun/2018 8Release Date: Jul/2018 8Start Date: Q4/2018 8Completion Date: Q2/2025 Click here for more information related to the project and along with key owner contacts